BLIRT Promotions
Special promotion for end-point PCR!
This promo includes Taq DNA polymerases, Master mix and plastic consumables for PCR.
Promo code: BLIRT-PCR
Brand: BLIRT
Offer valid until DECEMBER 20th 2019
Special prices for quantitative PCR!
This promo includes retro-transcriptase (RT) (including M-MuLV RT) kits for producing cDNA and master mix for SYBR Green and probes.
Promo code: RT-LC-BLIRT
Brand: BLIRT
Offer valid until DECEMBER 20th 2019
Special prices for nucleic acids purification kits!
This promo includes purification kits for DNA, RNA, plasmids and PCR products.
Promo code: LC-BLIRT-19
Brand: BLIRT
Offer valid until DECEMBER 20th 2019
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