Chitozen is the first functionalized microscope coverslip, which allows imaging of living bacterial cells and studying their growth and behavior.
Use it if you want to image bacteria both still and alive under the microscope. Or if you want to perform long-term imaging of bacteria. Is useful to if you want to change the growth condition (e.g. antibiotics, chemicals, inhibitors) during the experiment and directly observe, in real-time, the bacteria new comportment under the microscope.
Chitozen is compatible with a wide variety of optical microscopy techniques such as widefield, confocal or TIRF and even super-resolution fluorescence microscopy techniques such as 3D-SIM, PALM or STORM.
Chitozen features
- Fully compatible: The coverslip dimension (25×75 mm) is compatible with most common available sticky slides and microscope stages. Compatible with advanced microfluidic techniques.
- Large Scope: Compatible with a variety of bacterial cells: E. coli, Myxococcus xanthus, Mycobacterium smegmatis, Bacillus subtilis andPseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Caulobacter crescentus (other cells are currently tested).
- Ready and fast: Assemble it within 2 minutes Use it the same day it is prepared.
- 6 independent channels: Either perform up to 6 experiments at the same time or use 1 channel one day, and the others later.
- Long lasting: A bench-stable surface coated with chitosan, the most efficient way to immobilize your bacteria on a microscope coverslip. Storable for 2 months once assembled.